Back Pain
Back Pain Relief
- About Back Pain
- Acute Back Pain
- Chronic Back Pain
- Causes of Back Pain
- Back Pain Relief
- Back Pain Treatment
About Back Pain
Back pain is the pain felt in the upper back, mid back and lower back area. Almost everyone has some degree of back pain in the course of their lives. Back pain is one of the most common complaints for therapists’ visits.
The degree of back pain can range from a minor dull ache to sharp pain. Back pain may stay in local area or travel into the legs, feet and other parts of the body. Back pain may have other symptoms along with such as numbness, tingling, weakness, stiffness and burning sensations.
Back pain commonly originates from the muscles, nerve and spine problems. Back pain may happen suddenly or chronically, pain comes and goes or constantly, pain repeatedly and worse when coughing or sneezing that cause major impact on daily living and activities.
Acute Back Pain
Acute back pain refers to sudden onset with short-term life usually due to an injury, trauma, accident, improper lifting or strenuous physical effort. Acute back pain characterized by having sharp pain, spasm, swelling and inflammation, hot or burning sensations.
Acute back pain sometimes happens with no apparent reasons, in these cases, the sudden onset of back pain may result from its already stressed and poor condition of muscles. Physical conditions may also contribute to the onset of acute back pain such as lack of muscle tone, excessive weight, during pregnancy and core stability deficiency.
Chronic Back Pain
Chronic back pain is described long-term back pain with deep aches, dull or burning pain. Chronic back pain could result from injuries, trauma, sports, or from acute back pain led to chronic back pain if its not treat properly at the time.
Chronic back pain may be caused by poor posture, a sleeping position, illness, stress, and anxiety or bending forward too long. Physical conditions that could contribute to chronic back pain such as lack of muscle tone, excessive weight or pregnancy and core stability deficiency. Chronic back pain may also result from already stressed and poor condition of muscles.
Causes of Back Pain
Causes of back pain are wide in range; common causes of back pain are from injury, trauma, accidents, sports activities and repeatedly actions. Poor posture, excessive weight, pregnancy, core stability deficiency, improper lifting, sleeping position, bending forward too long, and the accumulated wear and tear our body experiences on day to day basis puts the risk of getting back pain.
Causes of back pain may also result from arthritis, muscle strain, muscle spasm, ligament sprain, disc bulge (herniated discs), bone spurs, pressure on the nerve and spinal stenosis. Sometimes the back pain develops for no apparent reason, just wake up one day with a sore back.
Causes of back pain are more common from the poor condition of muscles, fascial, ligaments and other soft tissue. Restrictions, blockages, knots and trigger points presented in the soft tissues may prevent proper nutrition, blood flow and network energy flow that may cause back pain.
Back Pain Relief
Back pain and associated symptoms could be relieved through massage therapy incorporating with other forms of natural therapy such as:
- Acute back pain
- Back weakness / fatigue
- Back pain due to weather
- Chronic back pain
- Dull / aches in back
- Hyperlodosis
- Ligament sprain
- Muscle pull
- Numbness / Tingling
- Posture problems
- Pain comes and goes
- Sports injury / joint pain
- Back spasm / cramp
- Back immobile / stiffness
- Degenerative problems
- Core stability deficiency
- Hot / burning in back
- Hypokyphosis
- Muscle strain
- Muscle tension tightness
- Nerve root compression
- Pain shooting to leg
- Repeatedly injury
- Sharp pain / shooting pain
Back Pain Treatment
Place to Heal is experienced in treating back pain and associated symptoms listed in section “Back Pain Relief”. The treatment for back pain is natural and safe.
Back pain treatment is provided by experienced R.M.T through hands-on manual therapy that helps to facilitate your body’s own natural healing ability and has had high success rates with long term relief in back pain.
Back pain treatment is geared to individual cases process to discover the underlying causes of back pain. Earlier treatment could minimize the discomfort of back pain and potential complications or difficulties.
Back pain treatment with manual therapy includes Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy, Massage Therapy, Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy, Deep Tissue Massage, and Soft Tissue Mobilization. Incorporating these therapies effectively helps relieve back pain and associated symptoms.